Sunday, September 26, 2010

Question and Answer Sessions with Raw Melissa

I had the opportunity to attend the Start Up Princess event, Touchpoint, on Friday. I got to interact with tons of amazing women because I had a booth (we sold out of macaroons!) and as usual, I was asked many questions about nutrition and whole food eating and cooking. I love it when people feel comfortable enough to ask their questions because I appreciate being able to share the knowledge I've gained over years of research and experience, as it often enables the individual to be able to make one more change toward a better life.

It doesn't take much to get started on a path of purposeful eating, and if you've got a question or two that would help you, I really want to hear it! So, I decided to start Question and Answer Sessions on and on my twitter account (@rawmelissa). If you've got a question, please feel free to ask on either platform. You may also ask here in the comments section.

Can't wait to read your burning questions!

Always love,

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